Monday, June 16, 2008

Europe Day 6


My photos: I only took a few, so these are the best two.

I loved this translation.

Gondolier's Hat.

Dad's photos, because his photos are awesome:

San Marco


Me and Dar-Dar.

This guy gave us a discount on the gondola ride b/c the guy at the hotel knew him, and I spoke Italian with the hotel guy, and this guy, and it was fun.

OMG this was so cool. This guy made glass stuff, and we WATCHED HIM MAKE IT. We watched him make a little gondola, so of course we had to buy a little gondola. He also made the necklace I am wearing in later photos.
Yellow Chairs.
Us. (not the glass necklace).
Us by our to die for restaurant. This was after Dad and Dar ate there and before I ate there with them this night.
Princess Carla - this was Dad and Darin's bed.... I got the little room that was posted before.
Pretty Venice!

Just another reason Mom, you would hate Venice:

Us and the bridge of "size" - haha. Yes, glass necklace that awesome glass man made.
Us and the gondola ride.
Church of the Waldense (spelling?) - you know, those relatives that Grandpa always talks about. It's an ancient church or something, so it's famous or something, so Dad took a picture because we're related, or something.
Thing on boat.
Dad and the bridge of sighs.
Me and Gladly's hat.
The end.

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