Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rapallo and Munich Misc from Days 13, 14 & 15

Rapallo - evening of day 13.

This is Darin and his LAST GELATO IN ITALY
ME WITH MY LAST GELATO IN ITALY... we were really attached emotionally to the Italian Gelato - especially the eating it in Italy part.
Rapallo Hotel - Mom, we really wanted to buy this purse for you, but couldn't afford it. Maybe I'll pick you up a little something at a flea market in Munich. (By the way Mom, you're going to be so proud at how under budget we are, you're going to really want to help me buy the IKEA furniture I'm dying to get as part of my redecorating my place project. Nothing huge, a desk, two bookcases - and a sideboard I've wanted since high school. The sideboard is the most expensive piece, of course. We can discuss this when I return. I'm just warning you. I LOVE YOU!!!)

Day 14, driving from Rapallo to Munich. We spent 9+ hours in the car. The next day my back would give out, but spending time in bed would cure me.

We went up a mountain pass... Look Mom, Guardrails!
Watch out for Snow Plows!
Man on Rock is taller than trees.
COW. Outside my car window. No zoom. Just COW. Later we would pass ones with the awesome Swiss cowbells, and listen to the cowbells. I NEED MORE COWBELL.

The way down. LOVE IT.
Yes, that's the name of a tunnel we went through.
Munich - This store is called "Eroticland" ...and aren't those Lightsabers in the window? How are those Erotic??? I don't get it.
This store sells traditional German clothing. YES!
Dachau. I liked this memorial piece.
Dad's Photos:

Rapallo, Day 13
Leaning Tower of Gelato. Yes, we're silly.
Beach Blanket BINGO! ...that's what this photo made me think of. That, and how awesome Rapallo was.

Darin uploading photos. Yes, I turned this job over to him mid-trip. He uploads them to the computer, I pick the ones I like, he uploads them to blogger, I comment on them. It's a good system. Not so much work for me.
Me writing postcards :-)
Rapallo at night.
Day 14... So we're going up this mountain pass, and Dad gets out to take photos, and I see him take this one, and I say to Darin, "I think Dad just got a photo of me picking my nose." Yay Dad.

Day 15: Dachau. The gate says: Work will set you free.

Sorry to end with such a sad photo. This afternoon I took a nap and Dad and Darin went to the BMW museum or showroom or something, and went to a giant Mercedes dealer... or something. Those photos didn't pass my inspection for uploading, so yes. I'm done.

Tomorrow ICE train to Nurnberg! Going to see Giti again before we leave!



Anonymous said...

You have offically inspired me to put Rapallo on my list of places to visit. And what happened to your foot in the post card writing picture? is looks wraped or something.

Carla said...

Haha, those are silly hotel slippers. And yes, Rapallo was amazing!

Jo Jo said...

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