Monday, June 9, 2008

We Made It

This is me and Darin on the bus to Chicago. Yes, I know. We were supposed to fly out of Milwaukee, and this was us being happy that nothing else was going to go wrong. We were so dumb.

I now see this was foreshadowing; we were destined to end up in Paris.

This is what we all looked like by the middle of this, so just guess how we felt/looked/smelled at the end.
Yes, we finally made it to Munich, but not at the right time and without our luggage. At least we're here and going to get to sleep tonight.

Dear Mom,
Gitti made beef tongue, ham, the best German potato salad ever, white asparagus, salad, and homemake cheesecake. Everyone was here :-) They loved the pictures of you, your flowers, and Snowball! Everyone says, "Hi!"

Carla (and Dad and Darin)

1 comment:

Chris said...

Woo hoo!

We were wondering if you'd make it off the ground with all the rain.