Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day 11, Sans Photos

Sorry Guys,
Still need to upload the photos, but the computer I have to use here in Rome doesn't allow that. And I've decided it's too hot in Rome to leave and go looking for an internet cafè.

The Vatican was amazing. I'd still like to get a couple trinkets here in Rome, but I may send Dad and Darin to get some if they ever return from the Colleseum. That's right. I skipped the Colleseum. Big Friggin' Deal. It's some really old, falling down thing where they used to kill peope for sport. Yay. And as Darin said, "But Carla, It's Older than JESUS!" (and it's actually not... 60 something AD), and I replied, "Yes, but it's hotter than Hell!" (and THAT is true).

Last night I was too tired to read, so I had Darin read outloud to me. It was so much fun. The three of us laughed and laughed at the essays by David Sedaris.

It's now too hot for me to stay in this room any longer.

1 comment:

Jo Jo said...

If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the relgion and avoid the people, you might better stay home. Flights to Santiago